How can I get involved with the CJGM?
By becoming a member
Being a member of the CJGM means :
- Access to a wider network of contacts.
- Receive insider information on events and actions related to racial profiling.
- One vote in Board elections.
- Opportunity to attend general meetings.
- Contribute to the mission and outreach of the CJGM.
Who can become a member?
- Anyone wishing to support the organization’s mission.
- Any organization wishing to support the organization’s mission.
By making a donation
What will your donation be used for?
With your support, the Legal Clinic can :
- One vote at general meetings.
- Continue to offer free services.
- Find the resources needed to ensure the clinic’s long-term survival.
- Promote its services to the community.
- To have a positive impact on the social environment of the metropolis.
- Making Montreal an inclusive and socially just city.
Get involved
By becoming a volunteer:
Gain invaluable experience, put your knowledge to work for the community, develop your strengths and talents through challenging mandates, and build your business network through social involvement with the Clinique juridique du Grand Montréal.