Project: SAJJ Project

Project description

The service d’accompagnement des jeunes judiciarized.e.s (S.A.J.J.) began in November 2021 as a pilot project in Montréal-Nord.

The aim is to enable young people who have to comply with conditions during their passage through the justice system to understand and respect them.

Whether it’s at the time of an extrajudicial measure, the delivery of a summons or promise to appear, or sentencing, our program helps young people understand their conditions and reduce the risk of re-offending.

The SAJJ is a safe place where the young person can start a dialogue. open-minded about crime, obtain reliable legal information and acquire new knowledge about the justice system and how it works. It supports the social development of young people and offers a holistic approach to criminal issues.


  • Avoid the downward spiral of legal action after a first offence.
  • Help young people better understand the conditions they must meet after an arrest or conviction, throughout the judicial process.
  • Reduce the risk of recurrence
  • Accompany and refer youth and their families (if applicable) according to their needs outside the justice system throughout their passage through the criminal justice system.





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